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A simple and flexible command-line tool for AWS EKS management


  • Available AWS credentials (configured as boto3)
  • Heptio authenticator binary (Section To install heptio-authenticator-aws for Amazon EKS in AWS EKS User Guide)
  • [Optional] kubectl (1.10 and later) for kubernetes cluster operations

Quick Start


As easy as the standard python way by using pip.

$ pip install ekscli

Optionally, after installation, command-completion can be achieved with:

$ eval "$(_EKS_COMPLETE=source eks)"


Note: AWS fees will be charged in your account for the AWS resources created by ekscli.

The simplest way to create a cluster by running ekscli with almost everything default.
This will create an EKS cluster including the control plane (managed master by AWS), a node group and a kubectl configuration file (KUBECONFIG or $HOME/.kube/config).
$ eks create cluster --name=dev

# EKS cluster name can be set as an environment variable
$ export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=dev
$ eks create cluster

To create the EKS cluster’s control plane (master) only:

$ eks create cluster --name=dev --cp-only

To create the EKS cluster’s control plane (master) with existing subnets of a VPC, a predefined IAM role, an existing EC2 KeyPair etc.:

$ eks create cluster --name=dev --cp-only \
  --subnets=subnet-1234567,subnet-abcdef1 \
  --cp-role eks-default-role \
  --region us-west-2 \
  --kubconfig ./dev.conf \
  --heptio-auth /tmp/heptio-auth-aws \
  --keyname dev \
  --node-sg-ingress port=22,cidr= \
  --tags Env=dev,Project=eks-poc

The simplest way to create a node group

$ eks create node-group --name=dev --node-name=workers

To create a node group with more options

$ eks create node-group --name=dev --node-name=another \
  --node-role=eks-worker-s3 \
  --node-subnets=subnet-1234567 \
  --node-min=1 \
  --node-sg-ingress port=22,cidr= \
  --node-sg-ingress protocol=tcp,from=8080,to=8088,cidr= \
  --region us-west-2 \
  --kubconfig ./dev.conf \
  --heptio-auth /tmp/heptio-auth-aws \
  --keyname dev \
  --tags Env=dev,Project=eks-poc

To help bootstrapping kubelet agent

# on EC2 worker instances, after copying kubelet, cni, heptio-aws-authenticator executables
$ eks bootstrap -o node-labels=gpu=enable,role=node \
  -o feature-gates=RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true,CRIContainerLogRotation=true
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl enable kubelet.service

To display files created by ekscli boostrap locally rather than on EC2 instances

# on local machine
$ eks bootstrap --dry-run -n poc -r us-east-1 -m 32 -i \
  -o node-labels=gpu=enable,role=node \
  -o feature-gates=RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true,CRIContainerLogRotation=true

To use ekscli boostrap as oneshot systemd unit

Description=Configures Kubelet for EKS worker nodes

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ekscli bootstrap



  • Simple and concise command line interface
  • Flexible configuration
  • Plain vanilla EKS cluster without unrequired resources running Kubernetes clusters
  • EKS resources managed by AWS CloudFormation
  • Command line auto-completion supported for Bash and Zsh
  • Prepare necessary configuration for kubelet with self cluster discovery and additional options on worker nodes


  • Output cluster information to different formats: yaml, json
  • Update the cluster and node groups
  • Create from templatable configuration files